Human Design Types




Episode 013

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Crystal: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Plan for Wonder podcast. I'm Crystal the talking head, founder and creator of My Life Planners dot ca.

I'm back with Kristell Court, certified wellness coach and Human Design Specialist, for part two of our four-part Human Design series. This week's episode, we're digging into one aspect of the chart types. We're going to use my chart as a reference. Kristell, and I do a deep dive into understanding the types as well. We kind of figure out there's a warning about limiting one's understanding to just the labels themselves. If you haven't already, I encourage you to download your own chart, the links in the show notes and have it handy as you listen to Kristell schooling me in more ways than one. Okay, and we're back about human design. I was pretty pumped up after the last episode. And I'm really looking forward to kind of digging into the types because, I mean, the chart, there's so many other things to think about, but let's just start simple. This is sort of an overarching section. So yeah. So I want to leave it to Kristell, our specialist here with Human Design.

Kristell: [00:01:16] Five energy types, which, if you've pulled your chart is probably right at the top. And it would always be what I suggest people start playing with as they're experimenting with their own design. So start with energy type. The five of them are manifesting generators which we touched on last time. Generating Manifestor and those three are all different okay. And then projector and reflector. So okay, so.

Crystal: [00:01:46] We kind of touched on Manifesting Generator last week a little recap.

Kristell: [00:01:50] This is somebody who has maybe a nonlinear life path pivots quickly. Multi-passionate people move fast when they're working through tasks so fast that they may make mistakes, but also the kind of person that's great to have on your team because they're go-getters.

Crystal: [00:02:09] I love a good go getter.

Kristell: [00:02:10] Right. So generators. So the thing that makes a manifesting generator, manifesting generator and a generator, the energy type that they are is a defined sacral. So there are some very similar things that happen between those two energy types, because there's one factor in their chart that is the same. Okay. So generators I always refer to as like the workhorses if we're thinking about different horse types of horses, horse breeds. So generators are great at hitching to a wagon and pulling it very far. They're definitely hard workers.

Crystal: [00:02:48] Your long-distance runner.

Kristell: [00:02:49] Yeah. And they often don't know which wagon is the right one. When to let go of said wagon. Right. There's a lot of conditioning and generators often around duty and obligation from when they were young, because they learn when they work hard, other people are happy with them. Oh, and so therefore this is like hard work, so other people are happy. It makes them feel like they have to be exhausted in order for other people to like them, promote them, pay them, like whatever that looks like. There's often a lot.

Crystal: [00:03:22] That is that question and a little bit with the manifesting generator as well, because I'm feeling a little bit of that.

Kristell: [00:03:27] There are some similarities for sure. Yeah. Around that duty and obligation. So yeah, generators are really meant to engage their energy with the world. I always remind them that the word is generative. They are generative people. These are generally people that are like can be quite creative, although they may not think they are okay. They're creative thinkers, creative problem solvers, etc.. But there's definitely work. The work boots go on and they can do the task right.

Crystal: [00:03:58] So they can focus. Are they able to focus on the task a bit more?

Kristell: [00:04:02] Yeah. Generally.

Crystal: [00:04:03] Okay. Yeah. It's not me. No.

Kristell: [00:04:05] So manifestors are the second rarest energy type. These are people who are meant to, like really pull projects together and get them going, but may not be able to finish them to the end. So again, maybe using that horse analogy, these are racehorses, okay? These are racehorses that can run fast, but maybe not far. So sprinters. Sprinters, right. And a lot of times the rest of the racehorses in the in the chute with them haven't even started the race when they're like basically done and they don't know what the how long the race was, what the race like, what the point was, what the prize money was like, all this stuff, because the manifestors just like we're doing this and we're going that way. Oops, I forgot to tell you what was going on. So that can create a lot of interesting anger from a manifestor that other people aren't helping them. So. Part of their strategy is always to inform what other people are, what they're up to, to other energy types. Right? Without informing is not asking permission. The informing is just this is what I'm doing. And at some point down the line I may ask for your help. So delegating for a manifester super important.

Crystal: [00:05:18] So that would be tools and tactics for them to address their type.

Kristell: [00:05:22] Yeah. Or any kind of frustration they're feeling, you know whatever. Right. Misalignment is happening. Projectors are guides for the tribe. They see things in different ways. Oh, yeah, these are people who are often gifted.

Crystal: [00:05:39] Like a visionary.

Kristell: [00:05:40] Project managers. Right. Psychologists. Yeah. They have a real interest, like energy to them. My daughter is one. So she has a defined G center and a defined throat center. So two of the energy centers in the chart, which are the shapes that you see throughout the kind of human body shape, she speaks directly from the core of who she is. There's no buffering from that kind of heart spoken. Right. She's very direct.

Crystal: [00:06:07] Transparent.

Kristell: [00:06:08] Very transparent. They need more rest because when they are alone, they can kind of hone their gift, whatever that is. Okay. So they generally like light hearted things, right? Like light hearted books, light hearted podcasts, light hearted movies, comedy, etc. generally speaking, or some kind of understandable plot that they can really plan the end of. Like maybe, you know, there's a murder mystery, but there's usually like some kind of culmination at the end. So I see my daughter watch the same kinds of shows over and over, because there's a familiarity to them. Yeah. And she can happily, like, watch those and still tinker on whatever her gift is. So there's a lot more alone time needed, which, interestingly, then attracts the other energy types towards the projector because we're fascinated by what they're up to.

Crystal: [00:07:03] Why?

Kristell: [00:07:04] Because we know that they have creative solutions to the problems that we have. So we have to remember, because part of their strategy is to wait for being invited, that they can't just jump into every project. They can't.

Crystal: [00:07:17] So they're not saying something and offering it, which can be frustrating for someone else. You have to ask.

Kristell: [00:07:23] It's more like us saying, hey, we know you have this skill set, right? Could you help us move this project along? So I always use the analogy of like a river with a projector, that there's a time for you to jump in and join the action, but there's also a time for you to, like, swim to the shore and jump out and remember to retreat. Right? So there is often a really tricky relationship with resting with a projector, right? And they are actually the same with the manifester. There's a different cycle to their rest, but there's the relationship that can be a little bit tricky.

Crystal: [00:07:52] That's amazing.

Kristell: [00:07:53] And then reflectors are totally open. All these shapes you see within the body graph, they're all open. So they literally are like picking up energy from everywhere and reflecting it back to everybody else. So wow, it's a really interesting energy type I've only ever met. And I came on a little too strong like a typical man, Jen, and she literally shrank. She literally likes to shrink up. Because I was just so excited to meet her. Reflector. Yeah. So these are people who need comfortable environments, safe people. Right? That they can kind of empty out all that energy that they've picked up all day long. Oh, yeah. Right. So, yeah, cozy spaces, predictable friendships. Right. That kind of stuff. Yeah. Yeah. So they're just a little bit more open and a lot more cyclical.

Crystal: [00:08:41] Right. What do you mean by cyclical?

Kristell: [00:08:43] They live according to a lunar cycle so they may not like they might be super into something for a 28 day cycle okay. And then the next cycle might be something different. So interesting. Again these are people who have a new way of seeing things, right? Yeah. They're really powerful beings, very rare beings, but very powerful beings.

Crystal: [00:09:04] So like here's the thing, like just focusing on just the type in itself and learning about just those weather, five, five, five types. It kind of blows my mind because it makes me think the next person I meet could be one of these five types. They definitely are. So they're not just what I see. No. Right. And how you engage with them and how you learn about them. Yeah. And that would interplay with how you work with them or everything like.

Kristell: [00:09:34] Well, odds are so the most common types are generators and manifesting generators. So when you are out interacting with people in the world just given the odds, it's likely that they're one of those, okay, but then imagine being one of the other three types. Yeah. Where you're maybe, you know, inclined to rest or inclined to work differently, maybe at a different pace.

Crystal: [00:09:55] What? Here's a question. Would you have any idea on a tip on what to look for? Like what signs a person's giving you when you say for a reflector, right. Someone, what would they be doing right away? If you're just acting as myself and manifesting?

Kristell: [00:10:13] Yeah. The only thing that I've seen with the one that I met was that I was like, oh my God, you're a reflector. And she literally just went, oh, like. Like I punched her in the heart. Like I just came on.

Crystal: [00:10:23] So, just coming on too strong?

Kristell: [00:10:25] Yeah.

Crystal: [00:10:25] So when someone likes, backs up and just shuts down.

Kristell: [00:10:28] Yeah.

Crystal: [00:10:28] It's a sign to, like, relax.

Kristell: [00:10:33] But yeah. So just realizing that there are these five energy types out there in the world is kind of an interesting experiment. I try not like I am always like, oh, I bet you're a whatever, right? I try not to show up that way because again, that's just labeling people, right? It's like being like, oh, Scorpio girls or whatever, right?

Crystal: [00:10:52] You don't want to label.

Kristell: [00:10:53] People want to do that. So yeah. So that's the five energy types. So I would always say start with your type and then dig into your strategy because that informs the type. Great. Right. So when I was talking about manifestors needing to inform their strategy is informing other people, right? Right. They don't always like to do it. It sometimes feels like they're asking for permission, which is not at all what it needs, but it's just like, hey, I'm doing this thing, I'm engaged in this project or I'm hosting this event. I'll let you know when I need help or who's on board. They have this really, like, great knack for attracting the right people to them too. So. Yeah. Anyway, so many things.

Crystal: [00:11:30] So many things. All right, so here's the thing. This is planned for wonder. And it's all based on and started with my life planners and tools. And I've sort of been. I know I'm not going to say I'm obsessed. I just love planners. For me, it kind of gives me a space to find some structure, but I just always needed flexibility in order to kind of make my days happen. Like you said, I'm a multitasker. I have so many things in the air. So if you can do a little kind of mini session with me just on the manifesting generator and kind of work through how I can cue in. And techniques with scheduling, that kind of thing.

Kristell: [00:12:14] So I'm also a life coach, right? So my thing is always like, where are you? Are you fitting your work in around your life or vice versa? So I would always like it comes up often in clients like where is your time going? Like you come to me with a I want to do this project or I want to, I don't know, run A5K or whatever the goal is, which I'm sticky on the word goal. Whatever the vision is, I want to know.

Crystal: [00:12:42] Or a friend of mine said, what kind of impact do you want to make in the world? I think that's a really nice way to look at goals as well.

Kristell: [00:12:47] Or if you're like, I'm always concerned with, like, how do you want to feel when you.

Crystal: [00:12:52] That's one of my things is how do you want to feel at the end of every day? Which drives kind of my question. So okay, so the way I kind of structure my life is I use the my week tool and I have it as a custom setup. So I have a place where I can download everything. I kind of have it on my plate. I have buckets I can categorize like they're not pre-labeled. Yeah, and I can make them what I need at that moment in that week so I can make sure that I'm grabbing all my balls. I'm writing them down and don't feel like I'm dropping anything at that point in time. So then when it comes to meetings, appointments, schedules, I'm digital all the way, like, I, I just the idea of pre-writing stuff because I just know things get lost. Yeah. So that's what I love about the cloud and calendars and appointments for myself. Like, I've been in business and I'm 50, so I and I, because I have my own business, I can create my own structure, and I've really had to embrace that and push it on with clients and my life as well. I'm past the young age with young kids, which is a blessing. It's just a different kind of chapter in my life. So a lot more flexibility. I don't have as many demands on my time. But I do have a schedule where I. I don't do any meetings like I do client meetings like three days a week, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. And I limit it in between like 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., maybe extending it if a project needs it. Like, I need to be flexible, but I still need to create those boundaries as well. As far as. Yeah, I just have a lot of things on the go. I'll track. I'll colorize, you know, in my calendar. This is a meeting with this. That's, you know, with my, my, my life business or this is a client meeting or this is personal and this is my personal stuff. So that's what I kind of do. Yeah.

Kristell: [00:14:56] So we've talked before in one of our Women Belong meetings about how you use these buckets, which is something I would always suggest for a manifesting generator. Remember in our last podcast episode, I talked about my pickleball experiment, right?

Crystal: [00:15:10] Yeah.

Kristell: [00:15:10] And how I just have this strategy now of like, I'm just going to write it down, or maybe you have a running note on your phone of things that you feel kind of called to in the moment, because the thing that happens with generators and manifesting generators both is that nobody wins when they show up half hearted. So if you're if your girlfriends invite you for brunch on a Sunday like two months from now and you're like, yeah, sure sounds great. And then the day before you're like, I don't think I want to go, like, right. You know, I just don't feel like it. And then you show up anyway, you're not showing up as your full and authentic self. You're showing up because you feel like you should. Yeah, right. So having that, um, it feels like a yes right now, but can I get back to you closer to I'm holding the spot in my calendar. Like giving yourself those things that you can build. You know, some. Yeah.

Crystal: [00:15:59] Like last week, I knew somebody who's going to be in a performance and I said, yeah, I'll, I'll, you know, keep it in mind. But I never actually committed and said I will be there. Yeah. So when it came to the day I felt that day and I'm like the snow, the travel going downtown, I'm like, oh, it just did not sit right. Totally. So I opted to do something that felt more real to me.

Kristell: [00:16:24] Right. So there's that whatever strategy that looks like, if it's having a running list or in your phone, or if it's just like penciling things in.

Crystal: [00:16:31] Oh, right. I love the pencil. I call it the do over tool.

Kristell: [00:16:35] The do over tool. Yeah, you stationery geek you. Um, so that's a great one for a manifesting generator. The other thing is we've talked about the bucket. So thinking about tasks that go together right. So putting a block or a day even in your calendar, that's like just business building or just networking or just administrative tasks. Give yourself whatever amount of time you need in a month for that, depending on your business. So I'm still very much in the building stage, so I give myself every Monday. That's all business building activities. So if that's meeting with my coach or doing work born out of my coaching sessions or, you know, studying for my exam or whatever that looks like falls into that bucket. So you can still choose within that time what you engage your energy with.

Crystal: [00:17:25] Yeah. Yeah. On Mondays I definitely block it off so I'm not getting, you know, demands I'm flexible to certain things. But part of me, I still feel like I don't assign it still even. Yeah, I still feel like I have to wake up and my muse, I guess. Um, and just sort of determine what actually needs to be pushed forward, though I do like, I feel I do experience those days where I just have one project, like in design, I love doing publication design like a big book, and it's just like data entry. There's a reflection. I could just sit there, I can relax, there's not a lot of demands, and I just feel like I'm moving forward and I just feel complete by the end of the day. Um, but yeah, we still have all these other things on the go.

Kristell: [00:18:11] But when you're when you are, when a manifesting generator is able to dive deep into a task like they really are limitless as far as what they can complete. But it's this needing to feel lit up about what they engage their energy with. So, I mean, I used to when I was working as a virtual assistant, I was often tasked with doing bookkeeping. It was never my favourite thing. I did it. But I signed up to do this on behalf of other people for whatever chunk of my hours per week. So there was always that. I'm going to make myself a really nice cup of tea, and I'm going to have some chocolate here, and I'm just going to, like, bribe myself through it. So I might not have been all that lit up by the work, but I was lit up by the environment, right?

Crystal: [00:18:55] I find some work like I can actually do some work I can put on like a TV series or something. I'm actually watching. I have that, it keeps me animated and kind of interested going forward, even though it's like literally like text editing, like it's just like copy paste, like it's not even.

Kristell: [00:19:14] Exactly. So, recognizing that there is this limitlessness when you are lit up. So the other thing I would always say to a manifesting generator, I mean really to any energy type is like, well, what are your priorities?

Kristell: [00:19:28] So if you could name 3 to 5 priorities in your life and then recognize like, well, wait, what is this in service of right now that I'm actually writing in my calendar, is this serving something that I am prioritizing? Yeah. And those priorities might change year over year quarter over quarter. So being able to say because if it's not a yes, like if it's not a full bodied yes, yeah, it's likely a no for a manifesting generator to generator. Both. So yeah, if you're finding yourself it's almost.

Crystal: [00:19:58] Permission to say no. And we need that a lot.

Kristell: [00:20:01] So if it's like the first things that have come across my desk in the last quarter, it's very much been about completing my accreditation with the International Coaches Federation. So if it doesn't serve that purpose right now, right, it's a no.

Crystal: [00:20:15] So basically to summarize, um, for myself, um, cueing in a bit more on categories of topics, maybe trying that for a week and then focusing on those categories on a day. I think that's something I've haven't really done. Yeah.

Kristell: [00:20:29] Or for a morning or for household chores. Like if you don't try and squeeze them into other things. Right. You can then just be like, I'm getting up today. I'm doing the household tasks. I'm going to wear whatever hair and a messy bun put up, like whatever that looks like. Well, that.

Crystal: [00:20:48] Was me this morning.

Kristell: [00:20:49] In the kitchen where we're sitting. I'm like, okay, it's a disaster. I'm gonna make it not look like a disaster. So I just sort of sat in it. Yeah. And just sort of went with the flow. Well, and that's part of it for a manifesting generator. Right. Is that if all of a sudden you were like, oh, I'm in the middle of this project that I feel super lit up about and I'm in deep diving into this work. But I said at 2:00 I was going to clean the house before. Yeah, you know, whatever, people are coming for dinner. Then all of a sudden you have to leave the thing that you're.

Crystal: [00:21:17] I hate that feeling.

Kristell: [00:21:19] So if you kind of have a plan that on a random Tuesday, that's just the day you're going to, like, have the dishwasher repair guy come and, you know, clean the whatever and change the kitty litter, like all of that stuff. Do the laundry. It just all falls into that bucket. So you kind of know what to expect from that time.

Crystal: [00:21:37] Okay this is supposed to be a snackable length. This is not a snackable episode this week. If that's any kind of cue, I think it's a cue into the fact that there is a ton that someone can learn about themselves and really kind of question where they are and being open to learning new things, which I absolutely love. So, okay, so next week we are diving into those shapes in the middle of the chart, the centres. Um, so I'm looking forward to that. Um, yeah. Thanks for meeting me this week. And let's dive in next week.

And with that, my friend, thank you so much for joining Kristell and me again. Just a reminder, you can access your own chart in the show notes. There are a few more quick links there as well.

The space you take up in the world matters not just to me but, even more importantly, if you need reminding, you matter the most in your own life.

The space you take up in the world matters not just to me but, even more importantly, if you need reminding, you matter the most in your own life.


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