Human Design Circuit Board
Episode 014
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Welcome to the Plan for WONDER podcast. I'm Crystal, the talking head, founder, and creator of And this week, I'm back with Kristell Court, certified wellness coach and human design specialist for part three of our four-part human design series.
In this week's episode, we're getting a tour of the chart complexity that I really hope will give you a sense of how each person's unique perspective with the world around them is actually an opportunity for WONDER. If you haven't already, I encourage you to download your own free chart. The link is in the show notes.
And have it handy as a reference to see what Kristell walks us through, outlining all the elements of the chart. Okay, so last time we talked about the one property of human design, which was the type, which was great. And I really just kind of wanted to give an overview sense because you're not going to learn everything here.
That's Kristell's job. So you're going to reach out to her if you really are interested to learn more. Today, we're going to talk about, when you look at this chart, there's this human body with all these funky shapes with numbers in them.
Those are called the...
Energy centers.
Energy centers.
The shapes are.
The shapes are. And we briefly touched on that. The top one with the triangle is a crown.
And for me, it's blank. And that just means that I get my energy from.
Your inspiration.
My inspiration from outside of myself. When I did the original intro with Crystal in the Room and Belong, kind of introduction presentation that she did, the one thing that she found interesting looking at mine was how my sacral and solar... Fill me in on that one.
You have a defined solar plexus and a defined sacral, which I also have, so I'm familiar with working with this.
You have an inner authority that is driven by your solar plexus too, which means that you have an emotional wave. So people with an emotional wave are definitely 24-hour cooling off period type of people, and sometimes 24 hours is not enough for them to come to some kind of emotional clarity when making decisions.
So riding out that emotional wave first before letting your sacral, which is really your gut reaction, kick in with that yes or no. So sacral really only responds to things that it is really turned on by and really lit up by, or it makes noises like meh, ehh. That's a good one.
That's a no, right? So the sacral... So it's actually just learning to listen to yourself and not push it away based on others' assumptions or others' expectations or needs.
And also giving yourself that space to ride out whatever emotional wave you're going to have because you may not have immediate emotional clarity when it comes to something that's being presented to you. You might feel happy, sad, angry, all the things.
And then all of a sudden you'll come to like, okay, now I can kind of, what do I want?
Do I want this or do I want that? And the sacral's gonna go, this all day long. It's not gonna go, well, maybe. That's like, you're not ready to make a decision yet. So playing with those two centers is a really interesting experiment. I've been using this.
The human design is an experiment. It's like you've been given this lump of clay and you're molding it, right? Like you're manipulating it for your life and your circumstances and your things.
So, and hopefully it just gives you some new language with which to refer to yourself about yourself, you know?
We are complex human beings. So anyway, so kind of back to these centers. If you were to kind of briefly overview the function or what it is.
Yeah, so if you're looking at the chart, there's like the human body with all the triangles and squares and diamonds, and some of the triangles are upside down and whatever. Those are all energy centers. They often have names that correlate to the chakras because some of this is derived from the chakra system, but there's two extras, more than chakras, and some of them have different names.
This is like a circuit board, if you consider like your body graph as some kind of circuitry. So energy flows through it and through these like the lines that are connected, if they're coloured in, those are called channels. The little numbers, if they're coloured in, those are gates.
Well, they're all called gates, but if they're coloured in, it's like you have a little light that's switched on there. So things are flowing differently through those things. So top down, we have the crown, which Kristell's touched on.
That is the kind of where you get inspiration or how you are inspired. The next one down is the ajna, which is very, it's an alternative word for third eye. So it's very much about point of view and finding things fascinating and interesting.
The next one is called the throat center. And this is really about speaking your truth. It's a manifestation center, so really speaking things into existence.
The diamond in the center of the chart is called the G center in human design. Some books and teachers will correlate this with heart or heart chakra. The little diamond off to this side is called ego, which only 30% of the world actually have defined.
This one governs your willpower. So in some books or teachings, they will call this the will centre, not today.
So mine's coloured.
Yours is coloured.
I have a lot of stubbornness.
No, it's willpower. You have your own managed willpower that you have the gumption to follow things through. A self-starter.
Self-starter. Yeah, whereas somebody with this open, which I have, their willpower may come and go, and there's a time that I could ride your willpower, that there's this way that we can work together from these centers that are open or defined. So if they're white, that means they're open, which means you're picking energy up from other people that may have it defined. If they're colored in, no matter what color they are, they are defined. So left to right across the center, that's your spleen. This is intuition or sixth sense.
This is really very concerned with survival. Right, this is like Out Run the Tiger kind of stuff. Sacral is the square in the middle, which is key to making either a manifesting generator or a generator energy type.
This is your gut. This is highly linked to creativity and desire. So people who are defined sacral, they have to like be lit up by what they're engaging their energy with, right?
And then they can give it their all. The spleen is the triangle on the right, which you are sorry, solar plexus is the triangle on the right, spleen is on the left. Solar plexus is that emotional wave.
So careful calling people with a white solar plexus, non-emotional people, because they are actually highly emotional people, because they are writing everybody else's, picking up everybody else's emotions all the time.
Yeah, that's amazing.
So they're open emotional, not non-emotional. And then-
I think, sorry, I just want to interrupt you. I think that's a really key factor, and the more you learn about this, it's not just labels. You can't label people, I think that's huge.
And the fact that you got to really dive in and learn kind of the whys.
And then the bottom center is the root. So again, highly correlated to the root chakra. This really has to do with deadlines and pressure and potentially burnout and adrenal fatigue.
There's just so much kind of understanding that. So here's the thing.
Here's the thing.
This is not something that is a do-it-yourself thing. I think a lot of times, just having a sounding board and actual, someone with insight and knowledge, always helpful. So, but there's so much more on this chart.
Like you said, there's a ton more properties. And we're not gonna dive into them all. But just to kind of, before we end today, if you can kind of outline the ones that we've missed and kind of what to expect from each.
So we've already touched on the energy type at the top, which is highly correlated to the strategy and not self-theme. So strategy, I would always say is what you're doing when you are operating at your best, when you are living authentically, when you are in, like when your engine is finally tuned, that's what you're doing. Your not self-theme is what will show up when you're out of alignment, when things aren't going your way.
That's the lemon juice that gets squeezed out of the lemon. Split, or definition, Crystal's happens to be split. I've got her chart in front of me here. Just talks about the centers that are connected to each other. So in Crystal's case, she's got two separate sets of centers that are connected through channels. The profile, which are numbers, these are archetypal themes that you deal with throughout your life. There's six numbers total, but multiple combinations. So those are real like archetypal themes. So what does that mean though? So they have your case, yours is a networker and investigator. Oh, gee. Yeah, they all have names that I always find not very nice, or I don't have a great relationship with a lot of the words.”So really coming together and bringing those two things as close together as possible, you're really like working that energy well. You're really becoming conscious of both sides of that coin. Right.
So I think there's a lot of power in digging into profile numbers myself. I nerd out there a lot. Your incarnation cross is like an overarching life theme.
So something that you may deal with or something that will kind of guide you throughout your life. And then the kind of black.
So on the chart, there's like two columns, one on the left, one on the right. So the one on the right is? Well, these are all planetary symbols.
Okay, and they're the same symbols on both sides.
Yeah, so the black on the right is the conscious side of your chart, and the red on the left is the unconscious side of your chart. So, yeah, that's kind of it. So how would you define just those two in general?
So conscious is something that you are familiar with, the energy you've worked with, you know, probably if you believe in lifetimes for lifetimes. Right. You see yourself easily this way, whereas the unconscious side is maybe new to you, other people might see you more that way before you do.
You may come to terms with this side of your chart, the closer to middle age that you get. Like the longer you're working with it, the more, the less surprising it is.
As a designer and a marketer, I keep thinking the word brand, when I think of that, because brand is what other people see. So that's sort of what comes into mind with that. There's what my intention is, my mission and my vision and what my core is, but what's reflected and how people see that isn't necessarily the same.
Yeah, exactly.
So yeah, there is a ton going on with human design and chart and what you can learn from it. So we have one more episode coming. It's a bit of a summary, and we're kind of dive in on how we can kind of, how the tools of myLife tools can integrate, kind of be, you know, help with reflection, and we're gonna dive into that.
And yeah, thanks so much for being here. Next week. Kitchen table sessions.
And with that, thank you so much for joining Kristell and I again. Just a reminder, you can access your own chart in the show notes. As well, there are a few more quick links as well.
We're gonna be back next week with our last in this series, talking through how myLife tools can be integrated with what you can actually learn working with Kristell and the human design duo. And a reminder, the space you take up in the world matters. Not just to me, but even more importantly, if you need reminding, you matter the most in your own life.